May 23-29, 2011
Editorial Editorial: Unapologetically political
Translated by Lydia Ma
A while back, a Christian elder wrote an opinion article for the Liberty Times in which he examined the past 3 years of the Ma presidency. The writer concluded that President Ma’s actions have reflected poorly on his promise to boost sovereignty, human rights, and environmental justice. He wrote that Ma’s self-delusional demeanor reminded him of Proverbs 21:29, which states “the wicked put up a bold front, but the upright give thought to their ways.”
The writer went on to back his conclusion by examining Ma’s policy with regards to cross-strait relations, human rights, and environmental protection. Ma had initially promised that negotiations with China would be based on equality, respect, and reciprocity, but the visit by China’s envoy, Chen Yunlin, showed that he didn’t mean any of it when ROC flags were confiscated from demonstrators or hidden by the police.
As for promises to protect human rights, Ma showed his true colors, or his contempt for human rights when his administration lifted a moratorium on the death penalty. Under Ma’s watch, Taiwan not only began to execute prisoners, but also its freedom of the press took a plunge according to international human rights organizations.
In terms of environmental protection, Ma displayed his administration’s disregard for the environment by either supporting or staying silent on policies such as Nuclear Power Plant No, 4, the East Coast Development Act, Dapu farmland expropriation, etc.
We at Taiwan Church News often get calls from satisfied readers praising us for our reports, and we also get calls from angry readers criticizing our reports and vowing to unsubscribe. The irony is that both sides call us for the same reason: Taiwan Church News is unapologetically political.
This situation reminds me of an analogy: There was once a thief who ransacked a town and bullied its people. Though all of his victims were furious, they only sulked in silent resentment. One day, a little child saw the thief and rushed over to bite his hand while the thief was distracted. The thief released his sword and a few youths who happened to pass by at the time took charge and bound him. Just as the children were doing all of these things, a voice rang out from somewhere nearby, criticizing these children for being naughty and disrespectful.
Taiwan Church News won’t publish gossip or graphic content, but we won’t stick our heads in the sand either by ignoring what’s going on in Taiwanese society. We simply cannot stay silent while God’s people and God’s creations are oppressed. When indigenous groups are mistreated, or petrochemical plants are built against people’s wishes, or anti-nuclear energy rallies are held, we are proud that Taiwan Church News didn’t sit by on the sidelines but made its way to the frontlines to report these news items and encouraged readers to get involved. At the end of the day, the culprit isn’t the media reporting the news, but rather the unrighteous government in office that is making the news.
Taiwan is currently at a crossroads and it must decide whether to join evildoers who fake their way through life or be in the company of righteous men whose steps are sure. We have chosen to be on the side of those who are building a better and hopeful future and on the side of those obedient to God’s commands. To advance God’s kingdom and justice on earth at such a time as this, we must be unapologetically political.