[3072] Top 10 stories of 2010

3072 Edition
January 10-16, 2011
Headline News

Top 10 stories of 2010 for Taiwanese churches

Reported by Chiou Kuo-rong

Written by Lydia Ma

As we bid farewell to 2010 and welcome 2011, Taiwan Church News made a list called “Top 10 Stories of 2010 for Taiwanese Churches”.

After we released our observations, we noticed that some issues or stories that we’d mentioned also made it to the “Top 10” list of some Taiwanese human rights associations and environmental associations.

Our common concerns with these associations include: ECFA’s negative impact on Taiwan, the need to decide ECFA through a referendum, the harm Kuo-kuang Petrochemical Company is inflicting in coastal wetlands in Taiwan by building a new refinery, and the erosion of Aborigine human rights.

Listed below and in no particular order, are our top 10 news stories for 2010:

l   One-leads-One, New Doubling Movement

l   The passing away of Dr. David Landsborough, Jr.

l   ECFA’s negative impact on Taiwan; Taiwanese people should have a say through a nationwide referendum

l   PCT joins residents in opposing Kuo-kuang Petrochemical Technology Corp.’s plans to build a new refinery in wetlands near Changhua.

l   The passing away of missionary Hu Wen-chih at 101. He was a pioneer in ministering to Bunun Aborigines.

l   PCT’s participation in WCRC’ “Uniting General Council” and the election of Lu Yueh-wen as vice president

l   The visit of Anselm Gruen to Taiwan and his encouragement to Taiwanese pastors

l   New legislation on property rights robs Aborigines of their constitutional and Aborigine rights.

l   Christian churches’ participation in post-Morakot reconstruction so that it takes into account Aborigine culture.

l   PCT’s Conference on National Affairs – a response to the Ma administration’s China-leaning policies.
