Taiwan Church News
3057 Edition
September 27~October 3, 2010
TSU visits PCT General Secretary to discuss anti-ECFA campaign
Reported by Lin Yi-ying
Written by Lydia Ma
Photo by Fang Lan-ting
Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) Chairman Huang Kun-huei visited PCT General Secretary Andrew Chang at PCT headquarters on September 21, 2010. Huang was seeking PCT’s support for a third round of anti-ECFA petitions that will also include disbanding the Committee of Appeal created by the Executive Yuan.
Chang’s word of encouragement to Huang on that day was the familiar biblical reminder to be “as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves”. He urged Huang to continue advocating for Taiwanese people and even invited him to be one of the speakers in the upcoming PCT Conference on National Affairs. Huang reportedly accepted this honor and invitation.
During this meeting, Huang underscored the motivation behind his tireless efforts in promoting a referendum on ECFA despite encountering a lot of setbacks, and his conviction that the Committee of Appeal should be disbanded.
With regards to ECFA, he emphasized it would tie Taiwanese and Chinese economies together and even spillover into other areas, paving the way for Taiwan to slowly and eventually lose all its political autonomy.
He followed these statements with a summary of recent policies proving his point, including efforts by the Ma administration to integrate Chinese and Taiwanese education and culture through mutual recognition or cooperation.
Huang reiterated that all of these efforts combined would eventually culminate in a complete unification that would be detrimental to Taiwanese people and their interests. Averting this scenario was the reason TSU remained firmly opposed to ECFA.
The Executive Yuan Committee of Appeal had rejected twice TSU’s appeal to put ECFA to a referendum in the past year on the grounds that the question on the proposed ballot and its content were unclear. “But we will appeal a third time to make ECFA a referendum issue in November!” Huang said.
According to reports, Huang decided to pay another visit to PCT after being reminded by former President Lee Teng-hui. Lee, a Christian, is aware of PCT’s devotion to Taiwan and its people and hoped that TSU would look to PCT for advice more often.