An Itinerant Pastoral Ministry From a Fleet of Cyclist Pastors

(相片提供/Vava Manqoqo)

Taiwan Church News
3557 Edition
April 27 – May 3, 2020
Church Ministry

An Itinerant Pastoral Ministry From a Fleet of Cyclist Pastors

Reported by Chang Yuan-ching

Led by Rev Vava Manqoqo, pastor of Sinapalan Presbyterian Church from Bunun Ciubu Presbytery, the fourth round of Tunsuzebsa(consisting of pastors and their family) Itinerant Pastoral Ministry is launched at the Dream Works of the Plums of the Farmer Association in Hsin Yi Township, Nantou County, on April 20.

Including seven Bunun pastors and their loved ones, this fleet of cyclist missionary angels visited the tribal elderly, church members in need and local churches along the the 20 kilometre path in the mountains at central Taiwan.

Rev Manqoqo expresses that the Tunsuzebsa event is initially set up for pure exercise and recreation only among some pastors interested to ride the bike amid the mountains. Gradually, a journey of prayer and outreaching ministry to the tribal elderly or the needy at the villages naturally evolves when these pastors stop or take a rest along their cyclist ride, Rev Manqoqo says.

As most of the churches or the people visited by the fleet of cyclist pastors feel greatly comforted, encouraged and inspired by their prayers and blessings, Rev Manqoqo sincerely wish this ministry could be upgraded in bike facilities and continued to serve more far-distant tribes and the needy amid the mountains in the future.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

