[3151] PCT youth wins gold at 2012 International Exhibition for Young Inventors

3151 Edition
July 16-22, 2012
Headline News

PCT youth wins gold at 2012 International Exhibition for Young Inventors

Reported by Chen Wei-chien

Written by Lydia Ma

Taiwanese youths shone at the recent 2012 International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI) held in Thailand by winning 8 gold medals. The theme for IEYI 2012 was “Future Inventors, Future World” and the exhibition was held from June 27 to July 1, 2012. One of the gold medalists from Taiwan is a youth named Lee Pei-lin who grew up attending Tung-jung Presbyterian Church in Taichung.

A graduate of National Dajia Industrial Senior High School, Lee is currently a freshman at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and he is majoring in mechanical engineering. His mother is a church administrator at Hsiang-Shang Presbyterian Church. She is very excited about her son’s accomplishment and very grateful to God.

An avid cyclist, Lee has spent a lot of time discussing with his classmates on how to improve bicycle tire pumps so that users can effortlessly inflate tires. After months of discussions and lots of false-starts, they finally came up with an award-winning model. This model first won a gold medal in a national competition, which qualified it to enter the IEYI competition.

Lee’s mother, Kao Rui-hsia said that she was very happy for her son when she heard that he was going abroad to take part in an international competition. However, concern about her ability to finance her son’s plane tickets soon made her anxious. In the end, God’s grace and the help of church members, who were overjoyed that one of their own had won a gold medal at home and was now competing abroad, made this trip possible for Lee when Tung-jung church elders and deacons paid for the entire airfare.

