[3095] PCT makes headway in ecumenical relations in Europe

3095 Edition
June 20~26, 2011
General Assembly News

PCT makes headway in ecumenical relations in Europe

Reported by Fang Lan-ting

Written by Lydia Ma

Before departing for Europe to take part in EKD Day (Evangelical German Church Day), PCT leaders hoped that this invitation and occasion would be an opportunity for Taiwanese churches and German churches to explore joint-ministry opportunities together.

During their week-long stay in Germany, PCT leaders presided over an inter-religious service, participated in celebrations along with the rest of the participants, gathered information from various booths featuring ministry reports, and paid personal visits to church leaders in Germany.

The delegation visited Berlin Mission’s new director, Rev. Roland Herpich, and General Secretary Dr. Christof Theilemann to talk about youths exchange programs between both churches and communications ministries. Taiwanese delegates also took this opportunity to thank Berlin Mission for donating funds in 1983 that enabled the construction of Taiwan Church Press’ present building.

Next, they visited the state of Saxony where they met many church leaders in the state, including Bishop Jochen Bohl, and leaders from Dresden Christian Hospital.

This trip to Germany proved to be an eye-opener for leaders of the PCT who are already looking ahead to 2015 when the PCT will celebrate its 150th anniversary. PCT General Assembly Moderator Chiohh Lyiam-Syian said he hoped to see a Taiwan Church Day as well and use such an occasion to reflect on unity and cultivate common identity among churches in Taiwan..

