Taiwan Church News 3046 Edition July 12~July 18, 2010
Editorial: Powerful, life-giving words – and media
Translated by Lydia Ma
As World Cup 2010 drew to a close and the sound of vuvuzelas faded into the distance, we can say that this year’s games weren’t only about competitions between athletes inside a stadium, but also involved plenty of exchanges between cultures outside of the venue.
Looking back, there was no shortage of newsworthy stories during the games. From news about a “psychic octopus” named Paul who could predict the winner of each match with uncanny accuracy, to reports about the disparity of income between North Korean star player Ji Yun-Nam and Brazilian soccer star Kaka, sensationalist news stories were promptly reported and just as promptly forgotten.
In all these stories, the power of the media to shed light on something was apparent. This power is illustrated by a theory that says if a fantasy is seen as truth and acted on, it may just turn an impossible situation around. In other words, what we believe to be true affects our actions and our present reality.
For example, if rumors were to be circulated that a certain bank was near bankruptcy and all of its clients began to act on this rumor by withdrawing all deposits and investments, the bank would very likely go bankrupt even if the news of the bankruptcy were completely false in the first place.
Words are powerful tools that may serve good or evil or selfish purposes. They can help us promote goodness, share touching stories, or highlight inspiring legacies – as Taiwan Church News has chosen to use them since its inception on July 12, 1885. Providing touching, edifying testimonies and spiritual guidance have been core values of this newspaper to this day.
As we remember communication ministries this month, we remember that our founder, Rev. Thomas Barclay, devoted 60 years of his life to Taiwan. He also founded Tainan Theological College and Seminary and translated the Bible into Taiwanese. Every year on his birthday, he would sign his name on the bottom of his dedication letter to confirm his commitment to God.
LIkewise, when PCT remembers communication ministries every July, Taiwan Church News echoes Barclay’s commitment and prays its publications will transform people’s lives. Our mission was echoed by Isaiah, who said: God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor. He’s sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!”