[3069] Editorial: “Mission: Justice”

3069 Edition
December 20-26, 2010

Editorial: “Mission: Justice”

Translated by Lydia Ma

As we reflect back on Christmas 2010 and bring this year to a close, we can’t help but praise and thank God. Even though the year is drawing to a close, PCT’s “One-leads-One New Doubling Movement” isn’t winding down one bit amongst our presbyteries, districts, and churches.

Though not everything that happened in 2010 was successful and rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of Typhoon Morakot continue to be very challenging, we still say with confidence that we saw God’s hand at work and we saw God leading us onward one step at a time this past year.

As we promote this movement, let us not forget that it’s as much a movement to increase quality growth as it is to increase quantity growth in PCT.

Admittedly, quality growth is hard to measure, but we can still evaluate it in two ways – ecological justice and financial justice – and both ways are very much at the core of the gospel as they reflect what God’s kingdom on earth would look like.

Let’s not forget that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees of his day for being two-faced. Let’s not forget that Jesus showed his compassion for the oppressed and the powerless in very real and tangible ways. The reason he went out of his way to defend them was because his ultimate mission was to bring freedom to all of humanity.

Jesus’ ultimate mission was to restore the relationship humans had with God at the beginning of creation when everything here was still God’s kingdom. So, let’s not forget about ecological and financial justice and let’s pray for these to manifest themselves in Taiwan.

