3086 Edition
April 18-24, 2011
Headline News
General Secretary focuses on the emotional aspects of relief services during exchange with Japanese pastors
Reported by Chen Yi-hsuan
Written by Lydia Ma
One of the first and lasting impressions PCT General Secretary Andrew Chang got from his tour last week in Sendai, Japan, was the efficiency of rebuilding efforts from the part of the Japanese government.
Chang reported that broken roads had been quickly repaved, but church building clean-up efforts remained slow and passive in contrast. Hence, one of the purposes of his trip to Japan was to share with local pastors about PCT’s rebuilding efforts following the 921 Earthquake and Typhoon Morakot, and show them how churches can help by setting up local outreach and relief centers and minister to the emotional needs of the people.
Chang said that PCT ran various local outreach centers that ministered to the public shortly after the 921 Earthquake and these centers remained open up to 4 years after the earthquake. This experience taught him that such services and centers were essential parts of church mission.
His suggestion to National Council of Churches in Japan (NCCJ) was to create outreach centers and employ full-time staff, including pastors and social workers, to help and counsel victims. “This is also a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel with people!” he said.
Chang reported many Christian organizations outside Japan had offered to help Japan rebuild, but concurred with local pastors that the language barrier would be a significant problem.
In view of this problem, Chang suggested the NCCJ to recruit local volunteers to be in the frontlines and have foreign helpers on standby in the background to provide support and resources to these volunteers.
Concerned about the well-being of Japanese pastors who often traded stories of difficult rescues amid tears, Chang encouraged them and invited them to come to Taiwan for a tour and for some time to recharge themselves. “Shepherds who lead the flock mustn’t burn out or break down!”, he said.