[3094] Churches in Taiwan celebrate Pentecost focusing on social issues of the day

3094 Edition
June 13-19, 2011
Headline News

Churches in Taiwan celebrate Pentecost focusing on social issues of the day

Reported by staff reporters

Written by Lydia Ma

On June 12, 2011, the day churches worldwide celebrate Pentecost, PCT General Assembly Moderator Chiohh Lyiam-Syian told PCT churches that unity within Christian churches is one of the most obvious works of the Holy Spirit. He added that he saw plenty of that in his recent visit to Germany to attend EKD Day and also in PCT’s “One-leads-One New Doubling Movement.”

According to Chiohh, the term “Holy Spirit” had been a somewhat sensitive term for churches of late, because Taiwanese churches’ understanding of the Holy Spirit differ from one another. Some pastors allude to what happened during the first Pentecost, as recorded in Acts 2, and emphasize on manifestations of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and translation of tongues, while others do not emphasize on that aspect.

Nevertheless, Chiohh underscored thatthese are not the only manifestations of the Holy Spirit and using one passage from the Bible to explain being “filled with the Holy Spirit” can easily detract Christians from truly knowing God the Spirit and getting the whole picture.

He also urged churches to remember the Holy Spirit’s work: Unifying churches and to changing people’s lives. The Holy Spirit’s task doesn’t end after a special event takes place; rather, the Holy Spirit changes in people’s lifestyle from the inside out so that they become willing followers and imitators of Christ.

Pentecost in Ilan

More than 300 people gathered for an inter-denominational prayer meeting in Ilan for Pentecost 2011 held at Ilan Presbyterian Church. The meeting’s theme was “Loving our Homes” and the congregation joined in a rendition of “How Great Thou Art” at the end of the service.

Luotung Presbyterian Church pastor, Rev. Wang Jung-shin, underscored during the sermon that God created humans in his image and commanded humans to be in charge of the whole creation. But humans sinned, resulting in a chain of broken relationships between themselves, their environment, and their God.

Wang said the solution is for humans must repent, restore order and make things right again. Christians are called to pray for restoration and forgiveness. Restoration efforts should begin at home, in the neighborhood, at the local level, at the national level, at the international level and beyond.

Pentecost in Taichung

Pentecost service in Taichung was held at a local high school and attended by more than 1,000 Christians from various churches in Taichung city. They worshiped together, prayed for their country and prayed for the environment. It was obvious during the prayer rally that these Christians were very concerned and aware of social issues of the day.

Sponsored by Taichung Churches Alliance , the theme for this year’s Pentecost prayer rally was “Preparing for the Lord’s coming”

Among the list of prayer items included the recent plasticizer/clouding agent food safety scandal, the upcoming Presidential elections in 2012, and unrest in Tibet and Xinjiang that is rattling authorities in China, ethnic strife, and cross-strait relations.

Pentecost in Chiayi

Chiayi Presbytery held an joint communion service on June 12 to celebrate Pentecost at a local high school attended by more than 700 PCT members representing 14 churches in the area.

Rev. Lin Kuo-chen from Huwei Presbyterian Church spoke on “The Gift of the Holy Spirit” during the sermon and led the prayer session afterward. He reminded the audience that the Holy Spirit is the one who gives the gift of courage, repentance, peace, and harmony.

Lin also touched on the subject of church unity and said it mean harmony between Christians as well as mutual understanding and forgiveness. He underscored that such a gathering between members of various churches is the most beautiful example of church unity.

During the prayer session, those gathered prayed for spiritual renewal, the success of PCT’s “One-leads-One New Doubling Movement”, and social justice and national peace. They also remembered in prayer victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
