[3086] Setri Nyomi – a Ghanaian theologian with a global ministry

3086 Edition
April 18-24. 2011
Headline News 


Setri Nyomi a Ghanaian theologian with a global ministry


Written by Kristine Greenaway


(This article was published in anticipation of WCRC’s visit to PCT 56th General Assembly Annual Meeting. Reprinted with permission from WCRC.)


The general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi, believes in the importance of church unity for effective mission. This conviction has brought him from his home community in Ho, Ghana to serve as leader of the WCRC in Geneva, Switzerland.


Leading a global organization with 230 member churches in 108 countries is a demanding task. It is one to which Dr. Nyomi brings a combination of ecumenical experience, theological scholarship and a deep commitment to God’s calling to prophetic mission in the world.


Dr. Nyomi says: “Having been touched by the Good news of Jesus Christ, I felt more and more drawn as a young person to having that good news make a difference in my life and touching others through it.  In the process, I felt a call to the ordained ministry would give me the possibility of being an instrument of help to others – and therefore I chose to study theology.”


Following ordination in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, Dr. Nyomi completed a Ph. D. in pastoral theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in the United States. He then served the church in several capacities, including time as a senior executive with the All Africa Council of Churches in Nairobi, Kenya, where his responsibilities included theology as well as Christian education and family life.


When asked how he first became involved in ecumenism, Dr. Nyomi replies: “From a rather young age, I have been part of ecumenical groups that bring together Christians across denominations for Bible Studies and actions in the community.  I even became a leader in these groups by the time I was 18.  As the youngest ordained minister of my church, I attended the World Council of Churches 6th Assembly in Vancouver, Canada (1983) where I was a youth delegate. This introduced me to ecumenical engagement at the global level and I have been hooked to ecumenical engagement ever since.”


Dr. Nyomi is pleased to be able to attend the general assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) this year and to visit the church. He has been in Taiwan a number of times since his first visit in 1999 when he was appointed as General Secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC).  He says it has always been inspiring during his visits to see the life, mission and engagements of Christians in Taiwan.


The message the General Secretary brings this year to the PCT General Assembly is that WCRC appreciates and values the way the PCT carries out its mission and its membership of the WCRC.  Dr. Nyomi notes that part of the WCRC’s mission is a commitment to justice. Therefore, the WCRC will journey alongside Taiwanese Christians as they face their challenges.


The General Secretary says: “My experience of the PCT is that it sees commitment to justice as part of its calling as a church and so the focus of the WCRC is close to the mission of the PCT.  The fact that we do this mission with solid theological reflection and pay attention to all the people of God – women and men, young and old, Indigenous – relates to the mission of the PCT.”


In speaking of the youth of the PCT, Dr. Nyomi says: “I started this ministry as a young person with a purpose to be a humble and effective servant.  This sometimes means learning how to prophetically point out evil where it exists.  I hope young Christians in Taiwan will have that kind of commitment – self understanding as humble servants who are not afraid to also challenge systems where that is called for.  I believe Taiwanese young Christians are capable of this.”


While living in Geneva, Setri Nyomi and his wife, Akpene, worship with the Church of Scotland congregation at the historic Auditoire Calvin where the Reformer John Calvin taught theology. The Nyomi’s have three children: a daughter, Kekeli (32) whose name means “light”, and two sons, Nunana (23) whose name means “gift” (23) and Xoeseko (15) which means “only believe”.


March 2011
For further information
Kristine Greenaway
World Communion of Reformed Churches
Office of Communications
Tel. +41 22 791 6243
