[3098] Siraya Indigenous group ask for rightful recognition

3098 Edition
July 11~17, 2011
Headline News

Siraya Indigenous group ask for rightful recognition

Reported by Lin Yi-ying

Written by Lydia Ma

To safeguard their rights as natives of Taiwan, Siraya Indigenous filed a complaint with Taipei High Administrative Court on March 8, 2011, to voice their displeasure that the Executive Yuan’s Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) had refused to acknowledge Sirayas as Indigenous and consequently infringed on their rights as native people.

On July 7, 2011, as the high court examined and debated over the litigation for the 5th time, more than 60 Siraya Indigenous group from Tainan area gathered outside the high court. They circled the building’s perimeter 7 times and prayed that God would intervene in this matter so that Siraya people may finally obtain official recognition for their Indigenous status.

On this day, more than 60 members of this group gathered outside Taipei High administrative Church. Led by some Indigenous movement leaders, including PCT members Uma Talavan and Rev. Lee Hsiao-chung, the small crowd sang praises to God and voiced their desire to be recognized officially as an Indigenous group. Lee urged the Christian community to pray for this issue as well because the high court would announce its decision on July 21, 2011.

Despite being recognized by authorities before the 1950s, Siraya Indigenous group forfeited official recognition later on when they failed to register their Aboriginal identity before a deadline set by the government. For nearly 60 years, they were deemed to have “voluntarily abandoned” their ethnic identity. But many Siraya — along with members of other tribes who also lost official recognition — have been fighting for recognition ever since then.

“Aboriginal bloodline is inherited and passed on from generation to generation. How can the CIP say that someone is not Indigenous simply because that person missed a registration deadline set by the government?” she said, adding that her people were ready to fight to the end and would consider taking the CIP to a higher court if necessary and challenge the constitutionality of excluding the Siraya group as an Indigenous group.

