[3046]Sport camp invigorates Aborigine youths physically, spiritually

Taiwan Church News

3046 Edition

July 12~July 18, 2010



Sport camp invigorates Aborigine youths physically, spiritually


Reported by Chang Mo

Written by Lydia Ma

Photo by Chang Mo



East Amis Presbytery organized a sports camp for Aborigine youths this summer from July 5~7, 2010. About 120 youths signed up to play either men’s basketball or women’s volleyball, despite sweltering weather. They were joined by foreign youths participating in PCT’s “I Love Taiwan” Mission (ILT) as well.


Besides playing sports, Aborigine youths were encouraged and strengthened through services held a various occasions during the camp. Speakers inspired them to guard their hearts, put Christ at the center of their lives, and act responsibly.


PCT Youth Ministry Committee Chairman Sam Lee used examples of famous athletes such as Michael Jordan to encourage youths. The basketball star had apparently treated every practice as a real match. Lee used it as example to urge youths to be faithful even in the smallest things in life, and give their best shot in all things so they could overcome barriers and challenges.


Towards the end of this camp, many youths rededicated their lives to God and rediscovered their passion to serve God once again after being inspired by encouraging seminars and worship services.




