Christianity Studies Think Tank Unveiled To Root Christian Faith Deeper Into Taiwan Culture


Taiwan Church News
3475 Edition
October 1 – 7, 2018
Church Ministry

Christianity Studies Think Tank Unveiled To Root Christian Faith Deeper Into Taiwan Culture

Reported by Chiu Kuo-rong

Based on Christianity studies, through a dialogue between humanities elements like faith, knowledge and thought, a theological institute named “Christianity Studies Think Tank” with a goal to root Christian faith deeper into Taiwan culture is officially launched at Grace Baptist Church in the afternoon on September 29, 2018.

Rev Lin Hong-hsin, one of this think tank’s founders and a professor of theology from Taiwan Theological College and Seminary, also launches two of his new books: Theology of Forgeting Oneself and The Theology of Jurgen Moltmann: God’s Promises – Hope For Humans.

Rev Lin explains to the audience the reason, why the concept of “forgeting oneself” is urgently needed in Taiwan, because the primordial Taiwan culture inherited from a pre-modern feudal society which had never encountered anything like the Enlightenment within modern western civilization. And then, it quickly come to face a post-modern society, after being pulled into a modern age under Japanese rulings very abruptly.

This historical background make the daily lives of Taiwan Church and Christians becoming very much self-centered. Even worse, a correct relationship between God and man is therefore overlooked in the church, Rev Lin says, adding that this is the reason why he would write a book discussing about how to forget oneself for modern Taiwan Christians or Taiwan society.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

