Anything Wrong to Wear Pink Color Mask?

Taiwan Church News
3556 Edition
April 20 – 26, 2020
Weekly Topics

Anything Wrong to Wear Pink Color Mask?

Reported by Chiu Kuo-rong

On April 13, during a daily routine report of Taiwan’s coronavirus infections delivered by Central Epidemic Control Center (CECC), five major government officials responsible to lead Taiwan society to fight against the pandemic all wearing pink color masks to show up at the press brief.

This interesting event catches the attentions of the media and gives Taiwan society a pause to think about the overlooked gender issue during the ravaging pandemic, when Mr Chen Shih-chung, both the CECC Commander and Minister of Health and Welfare Department, explains the reason is to stand by those little boys who are afraid to be discriminated and bullied by their peers due to wearing pink color masks in the school.

Most people are persuaded by Mr Chen Shih-chung’s reminder of the Pink Panther, one of the most popular cartoon heroes every children loves, and respond with appreciation to CECC for offering the warm advice and setting up live examples to breakup the color prejudices buried deep.

Rev Lee Hsin-ren, secretary of PCT Youth Ministry Committee, points out the deeper significance of this event lies in a further reflection of our gender justice. Especially, during the days when we are going to commemorate Yeh Yong-chih, a “rosy teen” bullied to death on April 20 twenty years ago, we have to do more to promote gender justice, educate the public and fight against not just coronavirus but also gender biases and bullies.

Translated by Peter Wolfe

Photo from Internet / Credit to The Liberty Times

