[3115] PCT General Assembly Office urges prayer support for ailing former Taiwanese President

3115 Edition
November 7~13, 2011
General Assembly News

PCT General Assembly Office urges prayer support for ailing former Taiwanese President

Reported by Sam Lee

Written by Lydia Ma

Former President Lee Teng-hui was recently diagnosed with stage two colon cancer and underwent a surgery on November 1, 2011. According to Taipei Times report, during a recent regular physical check-up, Lee was diagnosed with colon adenocarcinoma, the most common form of colorectal cancer. He underwent two-and-a-half hours of surgery the following day to remove the tumor, which was estimated at 3.5cm by 2.5cm in size.

PCT General Assembly sent a greeting letter to the former President shortly after his surgery to express their concern. The office wished Lee a speedy recovery and affirmed his role and contribution to the development of Taiwanese democracy.

PCT General Assembly Moderator Chiohh Lyiam-syian said his office sent a get-well card soon after hearing about Lee’s surgery. He added that though public opinion of Lee remains mixed, the former President was a key contributor to democracy in Taiwan. He hoped Lee would get well soon and continue to work alongside the PCT in creating a better Taiwan.

PCT General Secretary Andrew Chang urged all churches to pray for Lee’s health and Taiwan’s future. He said he’d been a frequent guest at Lee’s home in recent years as the former President would often ask him to chair his family’s worship services. He also thanked Lee for dedicating his whole life to Taiwan.

Chang added that because of Lee’s advanced age, the surgery has taken its toll on his body and he needs ample time to rest and is in no condition to receive visitors. The General Secretary said President Ma Ying-jeou’s visit, despite a hospital reply to the Presidential Office that Lee was in no condition to receive guests at the time, set a very bad example for the nation and was clearly politically motivated.

Wang Yen-jun, director of Lee’s office, said Lee had also remarked that he needed rest and wasn’t ready to receive visitors. He quoted the former president as saying, “Hospitals are treatment centers, not political centers.”

