[3123] Mackay Memorial Hospital welcomes Yang Yu-cheng as new superintendent

3123 Edition
January 2-8, 2012
General Assembly News

Mackay Memorial Hospital welcomes Yang Yu-cheng as new superintendent

Reported by Lin Yi-ying

Written by Lydia Ma

“I was an intern at Mackay Hospital in 1972, my daughter was born here years later with me as the attending physician, my grandfather and my father were treated at this hospital during their lifetime and later passed away here. God willing, I hope to spend the rest of my life here,” said Yang Yu-cheng during his installation address on December 29, 2011 after being elected as the 18th Superintendent of Mackay Memorial Hospital.

Yang added that Mackay Hospital had played a crucial nurturing role throughout his life and it was at this hospital that he heard the gospel and accepted Christ. He promised to work with hospital staff and the board of directors to ensure that Mackay Hospital would become a warm and friendly place for patients and a close-knit community for hospital staff. Yang also thanked his predecessor, the outgoing superintendent Tsai Cheng-ho, and prayed that God would bless Tsai and his family in their future endeavors.

PCT General Assembly Moderator Chiohh Lyiam-syian preached at this installation and thanksgiving service and used Romans 12:1-2 to speak about the challenges of serving God. Following his sermon, Tsai handed over the official seal of the superintendent to Yang and Yang gave Tsai a plaque in return to thank him for his service.

During his farewell address, Tsai especially thanked the staff at the Department of Health and the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan for their support and prayers. Looking back at his four-year term, he said their support and prayers helped him to be a good steward of all that was entrusted to him. In the past 4 years, Tsai managed to reduce expenditure and increase sources of income for Mackay Hospital, enabling it to earn more than NT$2.6 billion in income and win several national awards.

“I will love people with a heart of humility, not relying on power or talent, but on God. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide me,” said Yang during his installation address. He also thanked the board of directors, Tsai, and the hospital staff for strengthening the hospital’s foundations and promised to carry on the legacy left by Rev. George Leslie Mackay as well as to fortify the partnership between the hospital and its affiliated organizations, such as the Mackay Medical School and the Mackay Medicine, Nursing, and Management College.

During his congratulatory speech, former Executive Yuan President Frank Hsieh remarked that this installation ceremony was a stark contrast to political installation ceremonies he’d attended in the past. He explained that at installation ceremonies in politics, the new administration looks psyched while the outgoing administration looks crestfallen. However, at institutions such as Mackay Hospital, the outgoing administration looks relieved and confident while the incoming administration looks heavy-laden.

Hsieh added that he was very touched by Yang’s speech and could sense from listening to it that the hospital was indeed a place with a mission to love and care for Taiwanese people.

