[3127] PCT General Assembly and Taiwan Church Press publish discipleship training series


3127 Edition
January 30~February 5, 2012
General Assembly News

PCT General Assembly and Taiwan Church Press publish discipleship training series

Reported by Sam Lee

Written by Lydia Ma

To help local churches offer systematic discipleship training to their congregations, PCT New Doubling Movement Center and Taiwan Church Press have partnered up to publish a series of training materials in 2012. The series designed to help people in all stages of their spiritual walk comprises 32 volumes covering a wide array of topics, including spiritual formation, prayer, and leadership.

According to Rev. Li Wei-Ting, chief editor of this series, discipleship training is an important factor for local church growth. Therefore, promoting discipleship training is an integral part of PCT’s “One-Leads-One, New Doubling Movement” and will be its focus for the year 2012. Taiwan Church Press and PCT New Doubling Movement Center plan to publish these training materials in stages throughout 2012.

The series is tailor-made to fit the needs of people in various seasons of their Christian journey. It includes topics for Christian Seekers such as “Knowing God”, “Knowing the Bible”, and “Lessons to Learn Before Accepting Baptism,” and topics for mature Christians such as “The Christian Life,” and lessons for Christians already involved in church ministries such as “Training for Elders and Lay Leaders.”

Every topic consists of 6-8 lessons and each lesson can be taught in a 90-minute class session. The lessons also come with prayer verses and Bible verses for the students’ reference. In addition to taking these courses, students are also encouraged to attend weekly worship services and fellowship meetings, read the Bible daily, and pray daily, and thus mature in their spiritual walk with God.

Publication and sale of this discipleship series has already begun and it can be purchased at Taiwan Church Press bookstores or at the New Doubling Movement Center.



