[3197] PCT General Assembly conducts seminar to prepare newly appointed board members for their new role and tasks

Taiwan Church News
3197 Edition
June 3-9, 2013
General Assembly News

PCT General Assembly conducts seminar to prepare newly appointed board members for their new role and tasks

Reported by Lin Yi-ying

Written by Lydia Ma

“Please bear in mind Christian principles as you serve on the board of directors. When you interact and make decisions with other board members, please work with one another in a spirit of mutual trust. When you think about your roles, please consider yourselves as people entrusted by the PCT General Assembly to manage these organizations.” These were the words of PCT General Assembly Moderator Hsu Jung-fong during a training seminar for newly-appointed board members who will begin serving at various PCT organizations soon.

The seminar’s theme was “Faith, Trust, and Entrust” and Hsu used this theme to exhort and remind all trustees that the core value of the organizations that they will soon be leading is evangelism. He underscored that they must manage the affairs of these organizations using Christian principles as their guides. “Before you vote on anything, ask yourselves honestly: What would Jesus do?” said Hsu, adding that the work of these organizations and their leaders are futile without Jesus’ presence and guidance.

Hsu also reminded these newly-appointed trustees that they must have a proper understanding of their roles as board members. He told them that they had been entrusted by the PCT with the care of these organizations. Having this understanding is critical because trustees can otherwise easily overstep the bounds of their authority and act in ways that do not please or honor God.

There have been some cases in recent years where trustees have not obeyed church laws and these incidents have resulted in much conflict and controversy. Some trustees have even resorted to using loopholes in PCT regulations or national laws to counter decisions made by the General Assembly. Though the PCT has required that all trustees attend training, and in spite of the PCT’s requirement that all trustees sign an agreement and a resignation letter in advance, these efforts have not prevented all conflicts. Hence, there are still some deficiencies in church laws and that need to be addressed.

These problems have prompted the General Assembly to work harder in revising organizational charters with the goal of aligning PCT’s organizational regulations with those of public agencies. The General Assembly is looking into improving the content of the agreement and the resignation letter that trustees must sign so as to make these more enforceable and legally binding. It is also working to improve these training seminars so as to equip all trustees with vital information concerning the special characteristics of the organizations that they will be called to oversee.

According to article 13 of PCT’s church law pertaining to the management of all PCT affiliated organizations, all board members must submit a letter of resignation and sign an agreement before taking office. This agreement contains the following clauses: Obedience to PCT regulations, unconditional acceptance of all fellow board members that the General Assembly has appointed, complete submission to the General Assembly’s decision to remove the signee from the board of directors. The agreement further states that the PCT General Assembly Executive Committee has the right to fire any trustee who violates any of these clauses. They may stamp a date to the aforementioned letter of resignation and submit it, along with all other required paperwork, to government agencies to notify the latter of a change in personnel.

PCT General Secretary-elect Lyim Hong-tiong was one of the speakers at this seminar and he spoke on the theme “Faithful and Savvy Good Stewards”. He underscored that holistic evangelism has always been part of PCT’s mandate and one of its core values. This deeply held conviction guides and propels all PCT ministries from education and medical care, to concern for current affairs in Taiwan.

