[3115] PCT General Assembly prepares for key ministries in 2012

3115 Edition
November 7-13, 2011
General Assembly News

PCT General Assembly prepares for key ministries in 2012

Reported by staff reporters

Written by Lydia Ma

In 2006, PCT General Assembly set a 10-year plan which emphasized on “common identity, commitment, and growth.” In 2010, the General Assembly also decided to start a new office to promote a new movement called “One-leads-one, New Doubling Movement.” The goal of this movement is to increase PCT membership to 300,000 by 2015 when it celebrates its 150th anniversary.

According to PCT General Secretary, Andrew Chang, “The PCT is promoting holistic missions, which means that personal spiritual salvation and growth are only part of the whole picture. Christians need to devote themselves wholeheartedly in social, political, economic, and cultural issues of the day as well. It is especially important to be faithful stewards and protectors of Taiwan for God.” He urged pastors to step up to the plate and awaken the conscience of Taiwanese people because God is with us.

Chang added that old missionaries who came to Taiwan in 19th century have left many tangible and intangible legacies throughout Taiwan. The gospel seeds they sowed will continue to grow and mature as long as Christians remain in unity and work together. He underscored that the General Assembly belonged to everyone and as long as everyone is willing to make an effort in achieving the goals of this 10-year-plan, a new doubling movement is possible.

Speaking specifically about the “One-leads-one, New Doubling Movement”, Chang said that the basis of 21st century evangelism in Taiwan is rooted in themes such as “common identity, commitment, and growth” He underscored that fostering common identity is very important in furthering the 6 dimensions of holistic missions set by the PCT.

As for “Lift up my eyes to the hill” prayer movement, which has been published every week in Taiwan Church News since 2009 and has been the reference material for weekly church prayer meetings, the movement will continue to focus on repentance and missions in 2012, but will include ethnic relations and the rights of indigenous people.

PCT’s new theme for 2012 will be “Hakka Missions” and many pastors agree that evangelism among Hakka people is very difficult as this ethnic group isn’t very receptive to the gospel. Nevertheless, Chang, who has previously served in Hakka churches, is optimistic that as long as churches keep their word and intentionally reach out to Hakka people instead of merely talking about it, the Holy Spirit will move in the hearts of the Hakkas.

According to Hakka Mission Committee Secretary Lee Fong-jiao, a new Hakka Bible and Hakka Hymnal will be published in 2012. Hakka language Bible study classes will follow and will be held in various regions across Taiwan where Hakkas are concentrated. She added that there are already periodic fellowship meetings for Hakkas in the cities of Hualien, Taitung, Kaohsiung, and Taipei. A retreat for all Hakkas has been set at the end of January 2012 and language classes are also being planned.




