[3118] Presbyterian Church of India women visit Taiwan and PCT

3118 Edition
November 28-December 4, 2011
General Assembly News

Presbyterian Church of India women visit Taiwan and PCT

Reported by Sam Lee

Written by Lydia Ma

Members from Presbyterian Church of India (PCI) Mizoram Synod Women’s Committee came to Taiwan on November 8~15, 2011, and visited various PCT organizations, including Paiwan Presbytery, Taiwan Church Press (TCP), and Tainan Theological College and Seminary.

Upon visiting TCP, the delegation was especially intrigued by the publication and distribution of Taiwan Church News and “Keng-sim” and their visit stirred dialogue and enhanced mutual learning. Mizoram Women Committee Chairwoman, Vanlalsawmi, remarked that she used to be an editor of Mizoram Synod Newspaper, and the visit was especially meaningful to her. She was also overjoyed at seeing past Taiwan Church News reports and stories on Mizoram Synod, especially, when the latter sent its choir and youths to Taiwan earlier this year for various conferences.

Various officers from Paiwan Presbytery also accompanied the Mizoram delegation on their tour across Taiwan, including Rev. Zaidar, a missionary working in the presbytery who is a Mizoram native. Zaidar said that Mizoram Synod and Paiwan Presbytery had built a close relationship over the years. He thanked the Christian World Mission for supporting this trip and urged PCT youths to attend Mizoram Biennial Missions Conference for Youths, which will be held next March. 

