[3134] PCT Executive Committee unveils list of candidates contesting for General Secretary in April

3134 Edition
March 19-25, 2012
General Assembly News

PCT Executive Committee unveils list of candidates contesting for General Secretary in April

Reported by Lin Yi-ying

Written by Lydia Ma

The 6th meeting of the 56th General Assembly Executive Committee took place on March 13, 2012, at PCT General Assembly Headquarters. This marked the last meeting of the executive committee before the General Assembly Annual Convention, which takes place in April following Easter.  Though current committee members and incoming committee members attended this meeting, incoming members only listened in and did not vote on matters.

The meeting’s highlight included a vote to approve the list of candidates contesting for the position of the General Secretary of the PCT, a vote on a mission partnership agreement with a church in Malaysia, the confirmation of Yang Yu-cheng and Huang Tsuu-yuan as hospital superintendents for Mackay Memorial Hospital and Sinlau Hospital respectively, the confirmation of the first Sunday of November as “Remembering Gender Justice Sunday” and the first Sunday of July as “Remembering Social Welfare Ministries Sunday” and more.

The list of candidates running for the position of General Secretary starting 2013 are as follow: Rev. Lyim Hong-tiong, Rev. Chiohh Lyiam Syian, Rev. Chen Sin-liang, Rev. Cheng Hong-hui, Rev. Daniel Cheng, and Rev. Sakinu.

Lyim is currently one of the associate general secretaries of the PCT and was nominated by 10 presbyteries or districts. Chiohh is the current General Assembly Moderator and was nominated by 4 presbyteries. Chen was nominated by 1 presbytery and had previously served as the Moderator of the General Assembly. Cheng Hong-hui and Sakinu were each nominated by 1 presbytery. Daniel Cheng was nominated by 2 presbyteries.

